how to be a genetic counselor

How to Become a Genetic Counselor: A Comprehensive Career Guide

Genetic counseling is a specialized discipline in which experts evaluate the likelihood of inherited medical conditions in individuals or families, interpret the results of genetic tests, and offer advice on how to address potential health concerns. In India, the need for genetic counselors is on the rise, driven by progress in genetic research and an […]

How to Become a Genetic Counselor: A Comprehensive Career Guide Read More »

Can AlphaFold Revolutionize Personalized Medicine and Genetic Counseling?

CONTENT What is alphafold  AlphaFold as a tool in Genetic Counseling  Interpreting Genetic Variants   Personalized Medicine  Educational Resource      Challenges of alphafold on genetic counseling Variant Interpretation Data Privacy Access and Training What is AlphaFold AlphaFold is a computer program based on artificial intelligence (AI) created by DeepMind that can predict the three-dimensional structure of

Can AlphaFold Revolutionize Personalized Medicine and Genetic Counseling? Read More »